کاربرد برای ارائه کنندگان خدمات؛ تدارکات خدمات
کسب و کار
Business process management for service providers; Procurement of services
Our organization's purely paperwork and physical records were the only source of information about consultant selection processes and their status. Creating these files was time consuming and the possibility of losing or losing data was high. As a result, it was very difficult for our bank to provide all the required information to the auditors in chronological order, and it is clear what time period is needed for people to coordinate among all the different units of the bank. So we need an appropriate and effective solution to standardize procurement rules and encourage increased competition among buyers.
IT units, recruitment and consultants.
راهکار مبتنی بر BPMS
The business process management system provides a completely web-based and secure solution, with real-time analysis and automatic alerts about the progress of the bidding process (bidding or auction), issues, errors or questions from bidders. Customizable process models are available for continuous process improvements and access to selection records and other data for auditors to inspect an audit stream of any selection or request. Documents are printed based on specific information such as team roles, evaluation criteria, and board members in the system for consultation . These consultations are then used in a web -based process, and their status is announced after each evaluation by a selection of board members.
The Automated Consulting Procurement System has been worth more than a million choices in six months. The usability has reached 178% and more than 10% of the total selections of the year can be processed in two weeks after the installation of the system. We have developed collaboration between employees and the ability to review the advanced process . The secure web-based access system displays information about different stakeholders based on their profile and role.