Business Process Management bpm
BPMS Business Process Management
Business process management is a structured and systematic method for analyzing, developing, controlling and managing the process with the aim of developing the quality of products and services.
The process is a set of consecutive and related activities that creates a specific product and to create this product, it needs specific data (input) that provide the basis for its proper functioning. A process is a logical series of interrelated transactions that transforms input into results and outputs.

The existing processes in every organization are designed to achieve the mission of the organization, to provide the basic needs of customers with better performance. In order to respond to the needs and demands of customers, the existing processes must have the necessary efficiency and effectiveness. A process will have the necessary efficiency when it is done correctly and it will be effective when it is selected and designed correctly. A process represents one or a group of interactions that are performed in order to transform data into open data. In an equivalent definition, it can be said that a process is a logical series of transactions related to each other that transforms input into results and outputs.
Types of processes

Support processes
These processes support operational processes. such as accounting, recruitment and information technology
operational processes (main)
These processes create value in line with the organization's core business. such as purchasing, production, marketing and sales
Management processes
These processes support systematic activities such as strategic management and how to run the organization