Information Architecture
Information Architecture - IA
Three-dimensional view of an information system, implementation based on how information sharing and support required
- A combination of organization, tagging, and navigation among an information system.
- Fundamental design of an information space in order to facilitate the completion of tasks and intuitive access to content.
- The art and science of structuring and categorizing websites and intranets to help people find information and to manage
- An essential discipline and a set of repetition and practice, which brings the principles of design and architecture to a digital view. is concentrated .

"Information architecture is the process of designing access to information;"
"So that users can rely on their perspective in fast and productive navigation of the site."
content management
Content management and Information architecture They are really two sides of the same coin. IA (information architecture) Displays a "snapshot" or 3D view of an information system. While CM (content management) is one Time view by showing how information flows in, around and out of the same system over time displays Content managers deal with the implications of content ownership and the integration of policies, processing and technologies have to support a dynamic publishing environment.
knowledge management Knowledge managers use tools, policies, and incentives to encourage people to share what they know. develop Creating a knowledge environment cooperation means a tight rope surrounding the consequences that unites cultures Such as "accumulation of information".
Do we need information architecture?

Designing Information architecture It is not a skill, which you can acquire by taking a half day seminar. A deep discipline There is real Information architecture is similar to chess and chess. One minute of training equals a lifetime of skill Is. Our responsibility as Information architect , the continuation will be to learn how to do the things we want faster and to do better and then share our knowledge and experiences with those around us. especially in Large organizations, those who as Information architect They started using all-purpose, attracting special positions that their ability adapts to the needs of their organization. Here are a few of the titles that exist today be:
- The comprehensive culture of the designer
- Search for the design content editor
- Metadata specialist
- technical specialist Information architecture
- defect manager, Information architecture
There are a large number of possible species and different levels. Information architect It can be specialized by the following:
- Industrial lines (for example, financial services, automobile industry)
- The field of responsibility (for example, human resources, engineering, marketing)
- Type of system (for example, intranets, websites, extranets, online magazines, digital libraries, software, online community)
- Audiences (eg small business owners, elementary school teachers, rocket scientists, teenagers, parents and grandparents )
Information architect It should not be in rankings, search engines or anything else that helps the user to find information on the site be enclosed Information architect It starts with users and the reason they come to the site in the first place: to find the information they need.