Web Form Builder
Form Builder
Providing different templates to display several related forms (master-detail) along with formatting and grouping of fields is a unique feature of Netrise BPMS
- Presentation A complete set of design tools
- totally web based and without the need for peripherals
- The ability to design forms andOrganizational documentsSimilar to their paper ones
- The possibility of designing the form as Completely visual
- Automatic creationTables and connectionsIn a relational database based on the introduced fields and their relationships with each other
- Ability to create interdependent forms, direction Maintaining data integrityin organization
- LicensingSuch as information, search, edit, view workflow, chain history of information to users regarding each form
- Possible Definition of security ruleson the fields and different sections of the form (dividing each form and granting permission to each section to some users)
- The possibility of determiningexplanations and insertHelp text for each fieldSeparately
- Possibility of insertionHelp for each formSeparately
- abilityDefinition of formula fieldsand the use ofCollective and algebraic functionsand equipped withComputational expressions editor
- ability Calculation of sum and averageFor columns with numerical values
- Possibility of defining different groups to categorize fields when displaying and also search list
- Possibility of defining different types of fields (money, email, phone number, file, etc.)
- possibility of saving and restoring text, image, sound and video and any type of document file, as well as limiting the format of sent files From the file type fields (photo, text, etc.)
- Possibility Counter field definition Sequence Generator with custom format
- Possibility to determine necessity of a field to be filled
- Possibility Setting the use of standard keyboard for fields separately to enter standard information
- Possibility of selection, sorting, grouping and determining conditions and Statistical informationBased on all available fields
- Possibility to move fields by Drag & Drop
- Possibility view the printable version
- Automatic creation of information banks needed by the organization, after designing the relevant forms
- Existence of integration of user interface and system with report generator for creating various management reports
- Checking the validity of each fieldAccording to its type
- Ability to register new information as one by one or several
- Ability to edit information at the same time as viewing information
- Ability to determine decimal places for numeric fields
- Ability to change information display columns in information display tables
- Ability to define a new column with a calculated value based on the data of other columns
- Ability to provide Excel output
- Ability to Define standard print format
- Ability to enable/disable records
- Ability to archive/unarchive records
- The ability to exit from banks in standard SQL format
- possibility of defining different rules to enter and confirm fields information
- The possibility of customizing the display of forms by defining the format and different display layers
- Online help when designing the form
- Possibility to show uploaded photos in the form
- Possibility copy of registered information in forms
- Ability to save all changed versions and who changed it
- Possibility Defining access rights to the form, form content, fields and...
- possibility of show message after registering or editing the form
- Possibility of defining the button for different purposes (event execution, transfer to other pages and execution of rules, etc.)
- The ability to determine and change all the appearance characteristics of the form including dimensions, size, color and...
- Possibility determining the location and size of each form field
- Possibility of determining the dependency of the fields of a form
- Possibility define subforms
- General options such as delete, edit
- Possibility View archived information
- Possibility of applying changes in the form after designing and starting the process without causing problems in previously registered data and running processes
- Possibility of using Physical deletion and Logical deletion
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