طبقه بندی فرآیندهای کسب و کار از نظر دامنه
Every business process is run by only one organization.
If there is no interaction between business processes performed by other organizations, the process in question is called internal.
But most business processes interact with the processes of other organizations and constitute inter- organizational processes :
such as the process of ordering goods from one organization to another.
The primary emphasis of business organizational processes is on simplifying internal processes by eliminating worthless activities.
The employees of the organization are represented in the organizational models. These models are used to assign activities to skilled and qualified people and perform those activities. Can be used to support internal organizational processes Businesses used traditional workflow management systems.
There are several things to consider when dealing with interactive business processes. In addition to the communication aspects of process structures, these issues include legal issues.
Transactions between business processes must be protected by legally binding contracts between the organizations involved.
Also, the technical layer ( business excellence center ; the role of the driving center in an excellence process ) in such cases requires further reflection; Because in transactions between several organizations, differences in software infrastructure may interfere with software collaboration.
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