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A business process management excellence center is a set of methods , tools and techniques available to experienced employees of the organization's business process management to develop business process management projects in order to achieve higher rates. Capital returns and minimizing the costs of engineering solutions are used.
This idea is used to provide a layer of maturity beyond the maturity of a process based on traditional technology. This layer ensures that process complexity is introduced in the business process management project preparation , as well as other business areas. For example, ensuring process quality from the coordinated production of all production-related resources to minimize defects , strengthen the production schedule, and minimize the costs of other factors .
A center of excellence in business process management , people and processes over two internal Business and IT will coordinate.
Because IT units are always involved in all aspects of an organization's technology, their traditional relationship with business units will be B2B (business-to-business), with a definition of start and end, cyclical.
This is especially true for projects where there are heavy requirements at the starting point of the project and fewer requirements during construction and after completion. Needs change over time, and information technology is often considered in terms of projects, budgets, schedules, and resource requirements. It is not difficult to investigate why these contradictions arise.
Usually, business units are forced to accept continuous improvement cycles , after the main project team is disbanded and the business analysts leave the project, or the resources and technology partners are not available, the business improvement package to the project Small passes. These conditions greatly increase the risk and cost associated with the invention and development of the process .
In contrast, a business process management excellence center is of an ongoing nature . This helps to avoid peaks and failures in routine and specific projects, ensuring that there is a monitoring team at all points of a business process. Ideally, a business process management excellence center It is made up of people who provide both business process and information technology with the skills to set up and experience around business process analysis , process application building , user acceptance testing , and management change .
The role of the Business Process Management Excellence Center is to create and implement a program that performs best in using business process management systems , designing and building business process management, and transferring and expanding it into the environment (including development, Leveling, production, business process management training and business process management support program ).
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"Improving the business process of the guidance center in an excellence process"