ایجاد امنیت و سطوح دسترسی
Creating security and different levels of user access through role definition, on any process , form , record , operations , buttons , field groups and even individual fields
- Giving users permissions such as registering information , searching , editing , viewing workflows and record history for each form
- Ability to determine the access of fields separately for special display of members
- SSL support
- Supports LDAP , CAS , NTLM , Active Directory and Open SSO to implement integrated SSO login system
- Define the role of users and user groups
- Determine the access level of users and user groups
- Ability to view logs of operations performed in the system by users
- Ability to set access control based on the organization's security policies and access rights
- Monitor user performance in order to run the system properly
- Ability to communicate with other systems in the organization
- Wrong password login control