چرخه حیات فرآیند؛ فاز پیکربندی
After designing and consolidating a business process, it must be implemented. There are several ways to do this. This can be done by enforcing applicable policies and procedures. In this case, a business process can be accomplished without the support of a special business process management system .
In cases where a software system is used to accomplish business processes, an implementation platform is selected during the configuration phase . The business process model is accompanied by technical information to facilitate its activation by the business process management system .
"The system used must be configured according to the organization environment and the process to be implemented. "
This configuration includes the interaction of employees with the system and the integration of software in the organization with the business process management system . The importance of integrating these softwares is due to the fact that in today's organizations, most business processes are supported by existing softwares. Depending on the organization's IT infrastructure, the process configuration phase may also include implementation tasks. Connecting previous software systems to the business process management system is an example of such a task.
Configuring a business process management system may also have transactional aspects. Interaction is a familiar concept in database technology . In this technology, an interaction manager ensures that software programs operate in a transactional pattern and follow principles called ACIDs : Indestructibility ; Sustainability ; Separation and durability . This means that transactions in execution follow an " all or nothing " pattern ; That is, they convert one steady state in the database to another steady state and do not interfere with other transactions; At the same time, their results are permanent and independent of future system failures.
Although in business process management , database software with transactional attributes play an important role in the realization of the activities of a process, transactional attributes can also be defined at the level of business processes; A subset of process activities constitutes a business transaction; In such a way that either all activities in this collection are performed successfully or none of them are performed. This achieves an indivisible property.
" Once the system is configured, it must be implemented on a trial basis ."
Traditional testing techniques in the field of software engineering are used at the activity level to determine, for example, whether a software system exhibits optimal behavior. At the process level, integrity and performance tests are important to investigate potential problems during the configuration phase. When the sub-phase of the test is completed, the system is deployed in the target environment . Depending on the specific settings, the need for other activities may be felt; Such as training staff and transferring software data to a new platform.
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"Process life cycle; Process life cycle design and analysis phase ; Approval and Activation Phase »