Service Request Registration and Management System (ITIL)
BPMS based products
High adaptability, speed and proper performance of Netrise BPMS will enable the construction and design of any system requirements in organizations.
To introduce this system, we must first introduce a concept called ITIL. Because this system to implement this It is designed as a very important and practical standard in information technology.
What is ITIL?
This word is an abbreviation of the words Information Technology Infrastructure Library, which is called in Farsi The underlying library Information technology have meant This method has now found a special place all over the world. Every organization should be without Paying attention to the number of his personnel and also the facilities he has at his disposal to provide the best services to his clients Because he has this commitment to them. ITIL is actually a management method for optimal use of facilities, capacities and personnel of a company Their compliance is with the main needs of business and customers. We see a lot that companies with the best experts And the facilities are unable to provide the service to the customer's satisfaction. One of the reasons for this is the lack of work management In the collection, he pointed to the lack of proper and timely response to that work and sometimes even missing the work in the collection. using The ITIL standard is actually the use of the experiences of the best managers in the world, and in it all the service and work routines It becomes easier for customers and their efficiency increases, which leads to customer satisfaction and success in customer orientation be made
The ITIL framework is a framework process oriented Is. This framework is used in almost all areas of information technology management in general and in detail It can be implemented and used, and experience has proven that using it improves the performance and effectiveness of technology business information will be This effective promotion is based on four elements of information technology services ie force Human (People), processes (Process), products or services (Product) and business partners and stakeholders (Partners) will be achieved.
Information technology managers focus on all four elements mentioned in the form of 5 processes Improve the quality of service delivery to Customer For low cost And highest ROI They have created the most value for the customer with the least The risk should be presented to him.
These 5 processes are:
Service Strategy
Service Design
Service Transition
Service Operation
Continuous Service Improvement
Benefits of using ITIL for IT service providers:
Increasing organization users' satisfaction with IT services
Reducing the risk of facing needs that have not been identified so far
reduction in costs
Better communication and information transfer between users and IT service providers
Existence of valid standards for IT service providers
The ability to produce more and make better use of skills and experiences
Informing the user step by step about the status of the request and the processing stage
Getting confirmation from the user before completely closing the request
Here are the key points about ITIL:
1- The nature of ITIL is such that companies and IT units can, according to the expected budget and scope. Activities and service itself, compared to the implementation of ITIL in the form General and partial Take action and benefit from its benefits.
2- ITIL actually shows company managers the correct way to serve customers in a scientific way. now this self It is the managers who must use the right tools to implement ITIL in the company. Software in this field There are those that by defining all existing routines for service in a company and automating the workflow between these routines, It provides an efficient tool to deal with all the affairs of the users of the organization and to respond to them in time. Actually requests or similar problems that are placed in a subject category, are examined and followed up during a specific process. With this work In addition to the fact that the users of the organization feel satisfied with their services, the colleagues of the IT department also calmly and concentrate on The tasks are taken care of and the company's current expenses are also reduced to a great extent, which helps in these days of economic austerity Shayani is the company's director.
3- ITIL is a set of approaches and best practices and a model for providing IT services. In fact, it includes some processes and are patterns Companies can follow general guidelines and then develop more specific processes that make sense for their organization to develop
4- Considering that ITIL is a collection of approaches in different areas, each company can use all or part of the overall model. implement it. There is no law that requires you to implement the general ITIL model. There is also no law according to which you have to implement the entire ITIL model at once. Many organizations implement ITIL in steps Different They do over a period of time.
5- One of the applications of ITIL-based systems, Problem Management is. When a large number of users with a single problem are facing, it can be said that the problem has the same root, so the expert found the root of the problem and made the necessary changes applies and can register this case as a solution so that if it occurs again, other experts from the way Be informed of its solution. Managers must also have a complete report on the analysis and solution before the problem is forgotten; So with Setting problem closing rules Allow the problem to be closed until the expert completes all the necessary information It will not have.
For example, the user requests access to a specific system or program and registers it in the system. without any Intermittently, the necessary approvals are received from the relevant managers and officials, and after that, the expert is informed of his request. checks it and responds to the user after creating access or when the user faces a problem and reports it in The system provides, at the same time as the problem is registered, the relevant expert is informed about the problem and investigates it. After the The expert finds out the cause of the problem without visiting the user's system in person, solves the problem through his own system, or one way It provides a solution in the system so that the user can easily solve his problem.
As it was said, to implement and implement ITIL, a suitable tool is needed, which we use system tools Tomorrow's network process management (Netrise BPMS) has implemented this concept in the form of "IT service management system". Target This system simplifies and applies the concept of ITIL, and by using this system, you can support the service automated with the lowest cost. This system consists of several parts that allow registration and management of requests It provides different users of an organization or company in the field of IT. By registering the request in each of the system sections, the process A special process is implemented and the request is followed up. In the following, we will introduce this system:
different parts of this system are:
Registration and management of problem follow-up requests Incident )
Registering and managing the request to create access to a specific software or system ( Access Request )
Registration and management of requests to receive hardware ( Hardware Request )
Registration and management of lost/stolen hardware tracking requests ( Lost/Stolen Equipment Request )
Registration and management of Internet access requests ( Internet Access Request )
Registration and management of software or technical change requests Change Request )
Registration and management of new phone line requests Telephone Line Number Request )
Basic Information ( Basic Data )
Providing educational materials and announcements in the field of IT department in order to educate users of the organization. Wiki )
Some of the features of this system are as follows:
- Existence dedicated cartable For each person involved in the process
- Possible Attach and attach the file In requests with the definition of extension and allowed volume
- Possible Cancel Application by applicant before follow up
- Ability to view the number of days the request has been followed up with specific graphics
- Possible prioritization Request or problem, depending on its importance and urgency
- The possibility of prioritizing the request based on the desired factors of the IT team that are defined in the basic information
- The possibility of announcing the specified standard time to handle the request to the user and to the IT expert
- Automatically change status Apply at any stage of the process
- Ability to see the progress of the process and its different stages
- Sending notification e-mail to the relevant expert at each stage
- Sending an e-mail notification of the status of the application to the people related to the process after each step
- Sending an e-mail notification of the completion of the process and its result to all people related to the process
- The possibility of approving/disapproving the request at different stages through the link in the email
- Receiving confirmation from the user after the end of the follow-up and the possibility of making a request Recheck If the user does not approve
- Possibility of automatic approval/disapproval by the system if no response is received from the user after a certain period of time
- The ability to add people to the process at any stage by the expert
- The possibility of commenting and file attachment at each step of the process
- Ability to view Types of textual and graphical reports Based on the desired parameters of the IT team
- Existence of management dashboards for real-time control of processes
- Possible Receive Excel file Or a visual sample of reports
- People's access control Different forms and information at different stages

The process and way of following up each request is different.

In the Access Request form, the information required to create access It can be different for different software (this case can be implemented for other forms as well).

in the field of registered information of the form, the user can time Elapsed To follow up on the request, see the name of the person handling the request along with other information.

On the reports page, the user of the relevant team can view various text and summary reports.

Also, the relevant team can view different reports and graphs of information on different requests.