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Business process management system in financial services; Funding
A paper-based, human-centered, manual process for receiving, storing, managing, and tracking documents for credit and financial services, using traditional information systems in the organization among a limited number of business structures . This process was associated with inefficiency, low efficiency and poor level of customer service.
Employees and managers of customer service, finance, investment teams, executives and underwriting units (certifying).
راهکار مبتنی بر BPMS
Paper communications received through customers (loan applications, guides, instructions for changing money allocations between budgets, etc.) are controlled using information retrieval software , which operates seamlessly in the business process management environment . slow. The business process management system then transmits the documents to the customer management team for initial review and is automatically directed to the appropriate units to take the necessary action. Business process management system in other systems (such as customer relationship management) Seamlessly initiates related steps based on the type of documents. All tasks and actions within the unit are automatically managed to complete the entire workflow. A collaborative document source speeds up the process and ensures version control.
Business process management solutions have replaced obsolete ones, outdated systems, improved workflows, and the gradual structure and control of internal, customer-related processes. The capabilities of this report provide tools for monitoring processes and identifying problem areas for senior management. New process solutions can then be modeled and tested. Most importantly, the business process management solution helps to select processes according to the needs and demands of the industry.